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Complete Question Explanation

Flaw in the Reasoning - #%. The correct answer choice is (C).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B):

Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (D):

Answer choice (E):

This explanation is still in progress. Please post any questions below!
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Hello Powerscore,

I just wanted to check my reasoning because during my practice I was hung up between A and C.

A) is incorrect because the answer is suggesting that the survey did not apply to all kids who dropped out of school, only those who dropped out in high school.

However, the stimulus states that the survey questioned whether the students had a high school degree. Thus, the survey conducted does, or at least could, include anyone who dropped out before high school, considering they would not be a high school graduate.

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Exactly right, (A) is incorrect because the survey DOES include any dropouts that would have occurred before high school, as no matter when they dropped out they still would not be a high school graduate -- good job.

The flaw, here, is in answer choice (C), since this shows that the survey sample improperly included people that might have received schooling elsewhere. The report concludes specifically that the CITY has one of the highest dropout rates from ITS schools. So, asking ALL city residents over the age of 19 is an issue, they should really only be asking residents who attended the CITY'S schools. Otherwise, they might have dropped out of school in another place! That's a huge issue for the report.

I hope this helps :)
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Hey Powerscore,

Is it a possible flaw that survey concluded by Center City might have included those in the dropout rate, ''who are yet to complete graduation OR still graduating''? Please clarify.

It was the reason, i found option (B) a bit tempting :hmm:
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 Jonathan Evans
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Hi, Ashutosh!

Good question!

We might think the stimulus is overlooking people who have graduated early, but the facts indicate otherwise. The question directly asks whether the residents are high school graduates. Even if you graduate early, you're still a high school graduate.

Further, the survey only covers those age 19 and over. We may safely understand this group to include those who would be expected to have completed high school.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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