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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?f=167&p=88139#p88139)

The correct answer choice is (E).

Answer choice (A) can be eliminated because, as discussed during the analysis of the fourth rule, when J is still on board when the van reaches F, G must still be on board when the van reaches S.

Answer choice (B) can be eliminated because from the first rule L must be either the first or second stop.

Answer choice (C) can be eliminated because from the third rule J is on board longer than V.

Answer choice (D) can be eliminated because from the second rule R is still on board when the van reaches M.

Thus, answer choice (E) is proven correct by process of elimination.
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Can you explain #19?
 Nicholas Bruno
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First, I would recommend that you read a prior post about the setup lsat/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=8582.

A is wrong because G is before S but J is not before F. violates Rule 3.
B is wrong because L must be one or two
C is wrong because V must come before J (which it does not)
D is wrong because R cannot come before M.
Which leaves E as the correct answer

Let me know if this helps you out!

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