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Is the only thing that separates A from D, the fact that the police are talking directly TO the thief and the software engineers are talking ABOUT their programs? And ecologists are talking ABOUT invasive species? Or is it something else?
 James Finch
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Hi LSAT Cheetah,

This is a Parallel Reasoning question, so to answer this question correctly, we need to clearly abstract out the principle that the stimulus reflects. To do that, we can see that the first sentence is talking about applying terms that imply ideas about one thing to another, dissimilar, thing, or in other words using language that implies improper connotations about the thing being described because those connotations aren't applicable to that category of thing. The second sentence then tells us why this is bad: it introduces bias and prejudice against the thing being described in improper terms. So the correct answer choice will reflect both applying terms that improperly imply inapplicable connotations, and those terms will create resultant bias/prejudice.

(A) certainly contains the bias element, but are the terms inapplicable? No, they just haven't been given due process by a court of law yet, but they are all very much germane to the thing at hand, thieves. The bias here comes from who is using the terms (police versus a court's finder-of-fact, i.e. a judge or jury), not the terms themselves.

Contrast that to (D), which contains both the inapplicable terms element (psychological terms for software) and the bias that their use produces (unwarranted expectations about unanticipated inputs). So only (D) contains both the elements we see in the stimulus, making it the correct answer choice.

Hope this clears things up!
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Chose (D) relatively quickly, but felt like I kept (C) as a contender for a while and am not 100% sure if I eliminated for the "right" reason...

Can someone explain what makes (C) a wrong answer VS (D)?
 Robert Carroll
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The issue with answer choice (C) is that the biased terminology is causing other people to develop biased views. The problem in the stimulus, and in answer choice (D), is that biased language may cause the actual user of the language to be biased themselves.

Hope that helps!

Robert Carroll

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