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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=8712)

The correct answer choice is (D)

Answer choice (A) is incorrect because G cannot see the Hitchcock film. Answer choices (B) and (C) are incorrect because V can never see the Fellini film. Answer choice (E) is incorrect because M and R could never see the Hitchcock film at the same time. Answer choice (D) is therefore correct. Overall a much more difficult List question than usual, but easy if you have used the distributions to identify the two templates!
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This question took me way longer than it should have to sift through all the answer choices because of how the answer choices were displayed, almost using the film buffs as a base. It was so different than my set-up which had the films as a base. All the other questions and the game as a whole definitely makes sense to use the films as a base, but it does make it confusing for this particular answer. I was able to get rid of a couple of answers quickly due to Not Laws (such as for G not in H and YV not in F) but then it was a slog.

Do you have any tips for quickly sorting through answers on a question like this when the set-up doesn't really match how the answer choices are presented?

Thank you!
 Adam Tyson
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The films are for sure the best base, so you did that right! In this case, glasann, I don't see any better way to do it than to just compare the answers to the templates (which assumes that you did templates in your main diagram). It's a time consuming process, but the templates should come together fairly quickly based on the numeric distribution, so it should all balance out.

To help you out, though, two of the answers are easily eliminated IF you made the inference that the VY block cannot ever be in group F! Scan the answers for things you know can never happen, like G going to H or YV going to F, and you can actually make quick work of the answer choices, instead of slogging through each individual answer one bit at a time.

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