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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=1864)

The correct answer choice is (D)

The question stem requires you to choose an answer that places every city. Each of the variables is involved in an identical split-block, so clearly that is not the criterion that should be used to determine which variable placement is most likely result in just a single order. Thus, the more likely suspect is a problematic placement of one of the variables involved in the first two rules. L or V would seem the most likely, because not only does each appear in one of the first two rules, but they are each paired together in a split-block. Thus, answer choices (A) and (D) would seem to be the most likely answers based on a preliminary analysis. At this point, unless you can see the difference between the two, try (A) as a hypothetical, and, if (A) does not work, try (D).

In answer choice (A), the placement of L in the fifth year forces V to be used second, but that then still allows for two options for W, and ultimately three different solutions. Thus, answer choice (A) is incorrect.

In answer choice (D), the placement of V in the first year forces L to be used in the fourth year, and W to be used in the second year. When W is in the second year, N must be in the fifth year. T must then be used in the third year in order to satisfy the first rule, and M is left in the sixth year. Thus, this answer results in a single solution:
PT59_Game_#4_#19_diagram 1.png
Answer choice (D) is therefore the correct answer.

What’s the essential reason answer choice (D) works and (A) does not? In (D), when V is used in the first year, two other cities (L and W) are immediately placed, and then the rest of the cities fall into place. In (A), only one other city is placed, which is not enough to pin down all of the other cities.
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