- Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:12 pm
Luke Haqq wrote: ↑Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:47 pm Hi lalalala!That makes sense! I guess I overlooked the strength of the word "militancy". Thanks Luke
A key problem with answer choice (D) seems to be its mention of "political militancy." This is strong language, referring to use of force or violence to achieve political goals. Perhaps I am missing something in the passage (feel free to point it out if I am), but I don't see any mention of political militancy.
Answer choice (B) is directly supported by language in lines 43 to 46: "García argues that between 1930 and 1960 a new generation of Mexican American leaders appeared, one that was more acculturated and hence more politically active than its predecessor." This is directly stating that increased acculturation led to greater political activity, which is what is stated in (B).