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Between C and D , both contenders --> this is how I went about making a decision to D after a second look:

C: the translator should be primarily concerned with" - we are getting prescriptive here on what a person SHOULD do. The stimulus only talks about what can be achieved (translation) "only IF" such and such (original composition + new language) are understood well and considered. So although this could be true, its opinionated, we cannot say it MUST be True.. lets check out D.

D: stimulus says: [to get] translation occurs [ONLY IF] translator understands general gist (nature) and capabilities (possibilities) of the:
(1) language were going to be translating into.
(2) original piece
D alludes to both these things paraphrased as " expression qualities of language" + "original spirit"

additionally ... the stimulus uses the necessary condition language "only if" and here the Answer is stating that translator MUST consider/ observe those such and such ^ paraphrased things.

This choice seems supported by the statements in the stimulus without the stretch or assumptions that C makes the reader make (don't work for the answer choices), we see the answer choice D statements directly in the stimulus and its a paraphrase of the sentences that we are using as proof. So feel confident in choosing D
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Hi Rose!

It's great to break down questions to make sure you have a full understanding of why the correct answer choice is correct and why the incorrect answer choices are incorrect! Your reasoning is mostly sound but I would say that the problem with answer choice (C) is not really centered on the term "should." Yes, the stimulus is using language like "must" and "only if." But these statements are really telling us what the author thinks translators should do. It's not about what translators actually do, it's about what they must do, or, in other words, what they should do. (Another example: if I say "you must watch this movie!" what I'm really saying is "you should watch this movie!"). The real problem with answer choice (C) is that what the answer choice is saying a translator should do does not closely match what the stimulus is saying a translator should do.

Keep up the good work!

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Hi Kelsey

After reading your response and accepting the part of "should ... primarily concerned" in answer C, looking beyond that opening I see why answer choice C does not match what the stimulus says a translator should do. Thank you for clearing that up!

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