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Complete Question Explanation

Parallel Reasoning - PR (Principle). The correct answer choice is (C).

The stimulus describes a situation, wherein someone buys a coat that is fashionable but impractical under the circumstances, because they want to look sophisticated. An analysis is then presented - sometimes people give up physical comfort or pleasure in order to look good to others. This "Analysis" is very much like a Principle, a sort of general rule or guideline, and we are asked to find an answer that demonstrates the same principle. We should be looking for another example of someone giving up a pleasure or physical comfort because they are concerned about how they are perceived by others.

Answer choice (A): Nothing in this answer tells us why the person made their decision, nor does it suggest that they gave up physical comfort. Just the opposite, probably - the car is probably MORE comfortable than the bus or train.

Answer choice (B): The parents in this answer do not sacrifice comfort in selecting the car seat, and there is no suggestion that they cared about the perceptions of others.

Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice. In this scenario, the couple sacrifices comfort and pleasure by buying something other than the wine they prefer, and they do it because they care about how their guests will perceive them. A perfect match!

Answer choice (D): It's not clear in this answer that the person is sacrificing any comfort, but even if they are, the cause is not about perceptions but about her effect on the environment. As the cause doesn't match the analysis, it is a loser.

Answer choice (E): While the acrobat in this answer is motivated by the perceptions of others, there is nothing to suggest that he is giving up any comfort or pleasure in getting the expensive outfit. Without that sort of sacrifice, the answer cannot match the analysis in the stimulus.
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Can someone explain why A is incorrect?
 James Finch
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Hi DM,

This question is asking us to apply a principle to a specific fact set. That principle, sacrificing personal comfort for the sake of appearances, should be mirrored exactly in the correct answer choice, and include both elements (comfort and appearances.)

Answer choice (A) involves automobiles versus public transit, with only a single element mentioned, convenience. While one could possibly shoehorn "quick and reliable" into the "comfort or pleasure category," it's far from a perfect fit, and the second element, appearances, is not addressed at all; while you may assume having a personal car impresses people more than commuting to work on public transit, this may not be true (think of New York City, for example).

Contrast that to the correct answer choice, (C): A couple sacrifices the pleasure of drinking their favorite wine for the sake of impressing their guests with a more expensive wine. This matches up exactly with the principle we are given in the stimulus, making it the correct answer choice.

Hope this helps!
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Thank you. That helps.
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Will someone please explain why B is incorrect? Thank you :-D
 Emily Haney-Caron
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Hi smwest92,

Thanks for the question! Keep in mind that we're looking for an answer choice where someone gives up "sensual comfort or pleasure." In B, no one is giving up comfort; they actually chose the more comfortable car seat. Therefore, B doesn't fit within the analysis we're provided.
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Emily Haney-Caron wrote:Hi smwest92,

Thanks for the question! Keep in mind that we're looking for an answer choice where someone gives up "sensual comfort or pleasure." In B, no one is giving up comfort; they actually chose the more comfortable car seat. Therefore, B doesn't fit within the analysis we're provided.

Thank you, Emily. That makes sense! I appreciate you getting back to me in such a timely fashion :)

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