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#19 - Global, Could Be True

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:29 pm
by Dave Killoran
Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=11653)

The correct answer choice is (E)

The first rule eliminates answer choice (A), which places T earlier than Y.

The second rule prohibits answer choice (B), which places P later than Z, and answer choice (D), which places O later than P.

This leaves only answer choices (C) and (E). The rule that we have not yet considered is the final one; since G is the only one among the three vocalists who can perform Y, and is also the only one who can perform Z, answer choice (C) can be ruled out, because the order provided by this answer choice would require G to perform both first and last.

This leaves answer choice (E), which is the correct answer choice.