- Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:00 am
Setup and Rule Diagram Explanation
This is a Grouping, Numerical Distribution, Underfunded game.
This game was widely considered the most difficult of the June 2005 exam. After three linear-based games, the test makers saved a Grouping game for last.
At first, this game appears to be a straightforward Grouping game: six committee members serving on three subcommittees. However, the game scenario and rules indicate that there are nine subcommittee spaces, and that some committee members serve on multiple subcommittees. If each member served on only one subcommittee, the game would be considerably easier because the assignment of member to a subcommittee would eliminate that member from further consideration. Thus, the Underfunded aspect of this game gave test takers more to consider as they looked at the composition of each subcommittee.
Note that since the committees do not have formal names, we have labeled them as “SC.”
The game scenario provides us with the following basic setup:
Now, let us examine each rule.
Rule #1. With six committee members filling in nine spaces, and with the game scenario stating that each member serves on at least one subcommittee, you should be on the lookout for rules that reveal a specific Numerical Distribution. The first rule is just such a rule.
Because one of the committee members serves on all three subcommittees, the remaining five members must fill the remaining six subcommittee spaces. Since every member must serve on at least one subcommittee, the five members automatically fill five of the six spaces. The remaining subcommittee space can be assigned to any one of the committee members (aside from the one member serving on all three committees, of course). Thus, the game is controlled by a 3-2-1-1-1-1 distribution of spaces to committee members.
Rules #2 and #3. These two rules establish the following not-blocks:
While these not-blocks may appear standard, when combined with the 3-2-1-1-1-1 numerical distribution there is an important implication. First, because F, G, H and I are involved in the not-blocks, none of those four members can serve on all three subcommittees (otherwise there would be an overlap that would conflict with the not-block). Thus, only M or P can be the member who serves on all three subcommittees.
With the information on the previous page, the complete game diagram is:
This is a Grouping, Numerical Distribution, Underfunded game.
This game was widely considered the most difficult of the June 2005 exam. After three linear-based games, the test makers saved a Grouping game for last.
At first, this game appears to be a straightforward Grouping game: six committee members serving on three subcommittees. However, the game scenario and rules indicate that there are nine subcommittee spaces, and that some committee members serve on multiple subcommittees. If each member served on only one subcommittee, the game would be considerably easier because the assignment of member to a subcommittee would eliminate that member from further consideration. Thus, the Underfunded aspect of this game gave test takers more to consider as they looked at the composition of each subcommittee.
Note that since the committees do not have formal names, we have labeled them as “SC.”
The game scenario provides us with the following basic setup:
Now, let us examine each rule.
Rule #1. With six committee members filling in nine spaces, and with the game scenario stating that each member serves on at least one subcommittee, you should be on the lookout for rules that reveal a specific Numerical Distribution. The first rule is just such a rule.
Because one of the committee members serves on all three subcommittees, the remaining five members must fill the remaining six subcommittee spaces. Since every member must serve on at least one subcommittee, the five members automatically fill five of the six spaces. The remaining subcommittee space can be assigned to any one of the committee members (aside from the one member serving on all three committees, of course). Thus, the game is controlled by a 3-2-1-1-1-1 distribution of spaces to committee members.
Rules #2 and #3. These two rules establish the following not-blocks:
While these not-blocks may appear standard, when combined with the 3-2-1-1-1-1 numerical distribution there is an important implication. First, because F, G, H and I are involved in the not-blocks, none of those four members can serve on all three subcommittees (otherwise there would be an overlap that would conflict with the not-block). Thus, only M or P can be the member who serves on all three subcommittees.
With the information on the previous page, the complete game diagram is:
Dave Killoran
PowerScore Test Preparation
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