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Opposition Construct

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 8:33 pm
by presleyclark
The opposition construct on page 2-3 is confusing me.
My instructor uses the abreviations MBT: Must be true, CBF: could be false, CBT: could be true, and MBF: must be false.

Can someone explain to me this in relations to the opposition construct?

Re: Opposition Construct

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 7:05 pm
by Dave Killoran
Hi Presley,

The following terms are equivalents:

  • Must Be True = Cannot Be False

    Not Necessarily True = Could Be False

    Could Be True = Not Necessarily False

    Cannot Be True = Must Be False

This info helps decode the various things that the test makers tend to ask in questions. Collectively, these also cover the range of possibilities in situation dealing with truth. For me and for most students, thinking in Flaw tends to be tougher, so I automatically translate any term in False into it's True equivalent. So, if I get an LG question that says, "Which one of the following Must Be False, I instantly convert that to it's True equivalent, which is Cannot Be True. Then I know the right answer will be "Cannot Be True," and any wrong answer Could Be True (which allows for Must Be True).

Does that help? Please let me know. Thanks!