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Complete Question Explanation

Main Point-#%. The correct answer choice is (E)

Here the author presents several facts regarding paper versus plastic trash, and their relative effects on the environment. Whether you measure in terms of volume or weight, plastic makes up a smaller portion of garbage than paper, and pound for pound (or cubic foot by cubic foot), the two have equal detrimental effects associated.

Therefore, the author concludes, popular opinion is incorrect, and plastic is actually less detrimental nationwide than paper.

The main point of this stimulus, the author's conclusion, is presented in the last sentence of this stimulus: Contrary to popular opinion, use of plastics does less harm to the environment nationwide than use of paper products.

Answer choice (A): This is a supporting premise of the argument presented in the stimulus, not the author's main point.

Answer choice (B): Like incorrect answer choice (A) above, this choice presents a supporting premise of, rather than the conclusion to, the author's argument.

Answer choice (C): This choice presents the belief which the author asserts is misguided, but this general perception is not the main point, so this answer choice is incorrect.

Answer choice (D): The author does not call for a nationwide shift to plastics use. Rather, this stimulus is intended to refute the popular perception that plastics are worse for the environment than paper.

Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer choice, restating the conclusion presented in the last sentence of the passage: paper product use currently does more harm than plastic product use.

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